Divorce procedure in Ukraine for Foreign Citizens

Whether you are legally separating or filing for divorce, it is crucial to maintain a level head, especially when issues such as child custody or property division are involved. The first step should always be consulting a family law specialist.

The divorce procedure in Ukraine is relatively straightforward, even for foreign citizens. Either spouse, or both together, can file for divorce at the civil registry office to obtain a divorce decree. Additionally, a marriage can be dissolved through a court order if both spouses agree to it (uncontested divorce). Alternatively, if only one spouse files for divorce (contested divorce) or if the couple cannot resolve legal issues such as property division, child support, visitation rights, or alimony, the court will intervene.

I. Dissolution of marriage at the Civil Registry Office in Ukraine

Spouses without children can apply for divorce at the civil registry office. The office issues a divorce decree within one month from the date of application. Property disputes between the spouses do not affect the dissolution of marriage at this stage.

A spouse can file for divorce at the civil registry office if the other spouse is:

  • Declared missing;
  • Legally incapable;
  • Convicted of a crime and sentenced to at least three years of imprisonment.

II. Dissolution of Marriage in Court

A marriage is dissolved in court when the couple has underage children or if one spouse does not consent to the divorce.

Spouses with children must submit a written agreement to the court outlining:

  • Custody arrangements;
  • Child and spousal support;
  • Conditions for parental involvement in the children’s upbringing.

This agreement must be notarized. If one spouse fails to comply, it can be enforced by a notary’s executive note.

The court issues a divorce order one month after the application is filed. During this period, either spouse can withdraw the application.

In contested divorces, if one spouse does not consent, the other can still apply for divorce in court. The court will schedule a hearing within one month. If the dissenting spouse fails to appear without a valid reason, the judge will reschedule the hearing. However, the judge will proceed with the divorce in their absence if they miss the second hearing, and a divorce decree will be issued, coming into force after ten days, regardless of property disputes.

A marriage dissolved at the civil registry office is terminated on the day the act is issued. For court-ordered divorces, the effective date is the day the court decision comes into force. The civil registry office then issues a divorce certificate.

For foreign citizens, it is important to ensure that all legal documents are properly translated and recognized by Ukrainian authorities. Consulting with a lawyer experienced in international family law can help navigate these additional requirements.

ІІІ. The Role of a divorce lawyer in Ukraine

  1. The lawyer assists in gathering the necessary documents.
  2. Prepares all procedural documents for the swift initiation of the case in court.
  3. Represents the case in court until a divorce decree is obtained.
  4. Collects the court’s divorce decree marked as legally binding.
  5. Registers the information with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
  6. Obtains an apostille on the court’s divorce decree.

Our divorce lawyers in Kyiv have extensive experience in handling such cases. We are ready to provide you with qualified assistance and support at any time, offering a personalized approach to each client.


  1. Divorce petition.
  2. Copy of the wife’s/husband’s passport.
  3. Copy of the wife’s/husband’s tax identification number.
  4. Original or duplicate of the Marriage Certificate.
  5. Original or duplicate of the Birth Certificates of the children (if there are children from the marriage).
  6. Agreement on the participation of parents in the upbringing of common children (in case of mutual consent of the spouses to divorce).
  7. Receipt of payment of the court fee for filing the petition.

It should be noted that we assist in preparing documents for the divorce petition in court. If you are abroad or have lost the original documents, we can obtain their duplicates or restore them without your presence.


We can obtain a court decree for your divorce without your presence in court and without your spouse’s consent
Success with a lawyer in Court




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Why Foreigners Should Choose Our Law Firm for Divorce Assistance

Our law firm has been providing legal services in Ukraine for over 5 years, specializing in family law and successfully resolving family disputes in court. Here are compelling reasons why foreign nationals should seek our assistance for their divorce proceedings:

  1. Proven Track Record: With more than half a decade of experience in the Ukrainian legal market, we have a successful history of handling complex family law cases, ensuring favorable outcomes for our clients.

  2. Professional Lawyers: Our team comprises highly skilled and professional lawyers who are experts in family law. They are committed to providing the best legal representation and advice.

  3. Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive rates for our legal services, ensuring you receive excellent value without compromising on quality.

  4. Legal Assistance Agreement: We formalize our commitment to you by signing a legal assistance agreement, ensuring transparency and clarity in the services we provide.

  5. Comprehensive Support: We assist with all aspects of the divorce process, from gathering necessary documents to representing you in court, and even obtaining apostilles for court decrees. This comprehensive support ensures a smooth and stress-free experience.

Choosing our law firm means entrusting your case to experienced professionals dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome. We offer personalized service, taking into account your unique situation and legal needs.

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